A Mother’s Day Gift Guide That Doesn’t Suck

Welp, it’s that time of year again: the time when we acknowledge the physical, emotional, mental, and financial sacrifice that is motherhood with a shitty card and even shittier brunch, albeit with unlimited mimosas. That’s right, Mother’s Day is fast approaching!

Technically, this is my second Mother’s Day as a mom, but considering I was only a few months into motherhood and in some version of whatever a lucid coma is called (it’s like being drunk, but you’re dead sober and yawning all the time), I feel like this year is really the first time I can appreciate the notion. And let me just say ONE DAY IS NOT ENOUGH. God damn, this is a relentless “job.” I hesitate to use the term un-ironically given it’s not compensated whatsoever, the only person in a position of power is a toddler who can barely speak, let alone deliver a coherent performance review, nor is there any upward mobility. So…prison sentence??? I jest, I jest - only because the alternative would get CPS called on me. 

But truly, the feat of buying a singular gift to acknowledge all the work and sacrifice of the mother(s) or mother figures in your life is a real fool’s errand, unless you found a space-time continuum with a wormhole that allows her to go back in time and do life all over again, unencumbered by the needs of everyone else around her? I dunno, maybe it will be on the Tesla site next year.

Paradoxically, if you don’t make some kind of effort to show a lifetime of gratitude for the mother or mother figure in your life, then you’re just an asshole. So this year, instead of sending overpriced, ug flowers or paying for a pancake breakfast, I’ve curated a slew of ACTUALLY good gifts for any woman with (or without) a uterus. I also broke it down into 3 different price tiers, so there really is a way to recognize her efforts without breaking the bank.


Shop Gifts Under $50

  • There’s a way to give an inexpensive gift without being cheap about it, and it starts by not going to the Uncommon Goods website! Do you know what most people don’t spend more than $10 on? Their laundry detergent. And what a shame, considering most people wear clothes every day. I’m a big fan of the perfume, but at over $200 a bottle, you can give mom the same experience for a fraction of the price with the detergent instead!

  • Even if mom doesn’t cook, I bet she orders a mean pizza - she has to have my favorite pizza scissors. Serving up Papa John’s will never be the same.

  • I haven’t tried this hair oil yet, but I heard the women on Fat Mascara rave about it recently, and I trust them more than my own mother.

  • Give your mom the gift she really deserves: sun protection! I’m a big fan of these roll up hats and this one in particular has UPF 50 protection!

  • I think a lot of women turn to their bathroom once they have children, whether it’s to clean the vomit from their hair, put on an eye cream to treat the tired on your face, or even just cry alone. Why not make the bathroom a real sanctuary, with my favorite luscious body creme, a gorgeous match cloche to keep near her favorite candle, a dry brush just so she can feel something, and an overpriced lip balm that will remind her why she still loves you?


Shop Gifts Under $100


Shop Gifts over $100


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